Pengalaman tak terlupakan bersama kami di Nusa Dua Moon Hotel.
Lokasi kami strategis tepat dijantung Nusa Dua dan dekat dengan Bali Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Water Blow, dan pantai-pantai di Nusa Dua seperti pantai Sawangan, Geger, Mengiat dan lainnya. Beragam aktivitas seru di Bali berada di Nusa Dua loh!
Kamu dapat menonton theater kelas dunia hanya di Devdan Show Nusa Dua, belanja baju terbaik di Bali collection juga dekat. Aktifitas wisata bahari seperti Banana boat, Parasailing Adventures, Wisata ke pulau penyu, Snorkeling, Flyboard, Intro Scuba Dive, Seawalker juga bisa.
Unforgettable experience with us at Nusa Dua Moon Hotel.
Our strategic location is right in the heart of Nusa Dua and close to Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Water Blow, and beaches in Nusa Dua such as Sawangan, Geger, Mengiat beaches and others. Various exciting activities in Bali are in Nusa Dua!
You can watch world-class theater only at the Devdan Show Nusa Dua, shopping for the best clothes at the Bali collection is also nearby. Marine tourism activities such as Banana boat, Parasailing Adventures, Tour to turtle island, Snorkeling, Flyboarding, Scuba Dive Intro, Seawalker are also available.